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A Case of Libel (DVD) 1983 Daniel J Travanti, Ed Asner, Gordon Pinsent, Robin Gammell, Lawrence Dane AND Michael J Reynolds - A timely, true story!

Sale price $18.99 Regular price $27.99

A Case of Libel 1983 DVD (Region 1 Playable in North America - The US, Canada, Mexico, etc) Color.

Starring: Ed Asner, Daniel J. Travanti, Gordon Pinsent, Robin Gammell, Lawrence Dane, Michael J Reynolds. Written by Henry Denker (play), Louis Nizer (book). Directed by Eric Till.

Fact-based courtroom drama about a news reporter in 1954 who sued a columnist for libel after he proclaimed him a Communist in print.

A must-see drama! So very timely!