Dutch (1991) Color Approx.107 Min. Shown in its original aspect ratio (Region 1 - Playable in North America - The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.)
Starring: Ed O'Neill, Ethan Embry, JoBeth Williams, Christopher McDonald, Ari Meyers, Elizabeth Daily, L. Scott Caldwell and Kathleen Freeman. Written by John Hughes. Directed by Peter Faiman
Working-class, blunt, down-to-earth good-guy construction worker Dutch Dooley (Ed O’Neill) is the current boyfriend of a wealthy, snobbish tycoon's ex-wife (JoBeth Williams). Volunteering to drive the woman's son (Ethan Embry) home to Chicago for Thanksgiving from his Georgia boarding school, Dutch doesn't expect a picaresque adventure with an insufferable 12-year-old snob (desperately insecure under the surface) who disapproves of him totally. Can they reach their destination as friends? Will they get home at all?
“They're the best of friends... And they've got the scars to prove it.”