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The Chalk Garden (DVD) 1964 Deborah Kerr, Hayley Mills, John Mills, Edith Evans, Felix Aylmer and Elizabeth Sellars

Regular price $21.99

The Chalk Garden 1964 DVD (Region 1 - Playable in North America - The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.)  Color Beautiful print!

Starring: Deborah Kerr, Hayley Mills, John Mills, Edith Evans, Felix Aylmer, Elizabeth Sellars, Lally Bowers. Written by John Michael Hayes, based on the play by Enid Bagnold. Directed by Ronald Neame.

The peculiar antics of Laurel (Hayley Mills), an emotionally troubled young girl, are the focus of The Chalk Garden - a stately household drama set on the cliffs of the English south coast. Edith Evans plays a matriarchal grandmother who, in raising her granddaughter, has neglected her other love - a barren chalk garden. Mayhem ensues as Laurel's behavior frightens away a succession of governesses until an enigmatic one (Deborah Kerr) is hired in spite of her mysterious references. She skillfully sets about tending to the girl's reckless emotions and the pitifully failed garden.

John Mills (Hayley's real-life father) plays the compassionate butler working overtime to maintain order in this unpredictable environment.

"One was defying life and grasping for love...the other one was defying love and fleeing from life! A GIRL on the verge of womanhood...A WOMAN on the edge of loneliness...BOTH suspicious of affection yet starved for love!"