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The Swimmer (1968) Widescreen DVD Burt Lancaster, Janet Landgard, Janice Rule, Tony Bickley, Marge Champion, Kim Hunter, Charles Drake, Bernie Hamilton, Jan Miner, Diana Muldaur - a tour de force

Sale price $19.99 Regular price $27.95

The Swimmer DVD 1968 (Region 1 - Playable in North America - the US, Canada, Mexico, etc.) Widescreen. Color. Subtitles: English, French, Korean, Japanese. Theatrical Trailers.

Starring: Burt Lancaster, Janet Landgard, Janice Rule, Tony Bickley, Marge Champion, Kim Hunter, Charles Drake, Bernie Hamilton, Jan Miner, Diana Muldaur. Written by Eleanor Perry from a story by John Cheever. Directer by Frank Perry and Sydney Pollack.

Burt Lancaster gives one of his most daringly complex performances in "The Swimmer", a fascinating adaptation of John Cheever's celebrated short story. At first it seems that middle-aged businessman Ned Merrill (Lancaster) is merely enjoying a spontaneous adventure, swimming from pool to pool among the well-tended estates of his affluent Connecticut neighborhood. But as Ned encounters a variety of neighbors, we see from their reactions that he's on an entirely different kind of journey, balanced on the edge of some mysterious psychosis that we can't fully understand until the film's final, devastating image.

The famed John Cheever short story appeared in the New Yorker and people talked. Now there will be talk again. When you sense this man's vibrations and share his colossal hang-up . . . will you see someone you know, or love? When you feel the body-blow power of his broken dreams, will it reach you deep inside, where it hurts? When you talk about "The Swimmer" will you talk about yourself?

"When you talk about "The Swimmer" will you talk about yourself?"