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To the Ends of the Earth (1948) DVD Dick Powell, Signe Hasso, Maylia, Ludwig Donath, Edgar Barrier, John Hoyt, Fritz Leiber and Vladimir Sokoloff

Sale price $18.99 Regular price $24.95

To the Ends of the Earth DVD (Region 1 - Playable in North America - the US, Canada, Mexico, etc.) 1948. Black & White.

Starring: Dick Powell, Signe Hasso, Maylia, Ludwig Donath, Edgar Barrier, John Hoyt, Fritz Leiber, Vladimir Sokoloff. Written by Jay Richard Kennedy and Richard Buchman. Directed by Robert Stevenson.

Narcotics agent Commissioner Michael Barrows (Dick Powell) tracks a group of opium kingpins from Shanghai to Cuba to the New Jersey coast and every hometown corner of the U.S. in this thrilling classic, sanctioned by the Treasury Department and $2 million dollars in the making. In 1948, that meant no expense spared to capture the far-flung reaches of the international drug trade. An engrossing, globetrotting semi-documentary that delivers the goods.

This is one you will not soon forget!