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Tribes (1970) DVD Jan-Michael Vincent, Darren McGavin, Earl Holliman, John Gruber, Danny Goldman, Richard Yniguez, Harry Carter and Peter Hooten

Sale price $20.99 Regular price $24.95

Tribes DVD (Region One - Playable in the US, Canada, Mexico, etc.) 1970 Color. New lower price.

Starring: Jan-Michael Vincent, Darren McGavin, Earl Holliman, John Gruber, Danny Goldman, Richard Yniguez, Harry Carter, Peter Hooten. Written by Tracy Keenan Wynn and Marvin Schwartz. Directed by Joseph Sargeant.

Parris Island. 1969. A flower-child (Jan-Michael Vincent) is inducted into the Marine Corps. A tough, veteran drill instructor (Darren McGavin) tries to cope with kid - whose hippie philosophies are clearly at odds with the principles of the USMC. His mysticism enables him to withstand the strain of boot camp better than the other recruits, and he gradually wins the drill sergeant's respect. Meanwhile, a fellow D.I. (Earl Holliman) has other, more sinister plans for this untamed jarhead.

Tribes received three Primetime Emmy Awards: Sound Editing, Film Sound Mixing and Original Teleplay. It was also nominated for Directorial Achievement in Drama.

Tribes was ranked the 8th best boot camp movie by Screenjunkies.
